Daring Cooks Nov Challenge – Sushi

The November 2009 Daring Cooks challenge was brought to you by Audax of Audax Artifex and Rose of The Bite Me Kitchen. They chose sushi as the challenge.
I kinda waited till the eleventh hour to complete this month’s challenge. With the overseas trips and all, I hardly had time to cook, bake, let alone make sushi. Anyway, I steeled my resolve and managed to complete this in the nick of time. I’m still not happy with my dragon roll though. The avocados were too raw and couldn’t adhere to the rice. Otherwise, everything else was tasty. I would however, add a little more water to the rice during cooking. It was not soft enough, in my opinion.

california maki


dragonroll codroesushi



  1. the maki rolls look absolutely delicious.

  2. Beautiful sushi and I think the rice looks almost transparent the softness of the rice is a personal taste thing of course add extra water if you think it needs it. Very well done on this challenge. Love the photographs. Cheers from Audax in Australia.

  3. great looking photos! I love tamago sushi!

  4. Beautiful job with the sushi! I was a bit last minute as well – sometimes thats when the best cooking gets done =D.

  5. I also had to complete this quickly (and I also had unripe avocado), despite these obstacles you did a fantastic job on this challenge. Your pictures are beautiful.

  6. Thanks everyone.

    Audax: I realise that when the rice is not soft enough, it doesn’t come together as easily? I was pressing the rolls pretty hard already, yet they held together enough to stay together on the plate, but when I try to use chopsticks on them, some fell apart. That was sad.

    Lauren and Frenchie: Sometimes when it’s last minute, it’s more stressful though. 🙂 But it’s nonetheless fun!

    Wic and chef_d: Thanks!

  7. Great job with this month’s challenge, love the bright color of the roe! I wish I could’ve found roe to use but sadly none was available where I was….

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